Our Committees

Career Committee

This committee organises events with experts from different media fields and hosts MESA's Writer's and Film Club, where students learn more about professional and creative writing. They also take care of other study related tasks such as gathering summaries and organising study groups.

Design Committee

This committee will be responsible for creating the next yearbook as well as decorating and updating the MESA boards in the Harmonie building on a monthly basis and creating the official MESA merchandise line.

Event Committee

This committee organises all party activities, such as the monthly drinks, Christmas pub quiz and the annual gala. They make sure MESA always has something fun to do.

Media Committee

Members of this committee create audiovisual content which can be used for our social media accounts, website, and podcast. They also take care of event promotion and furthermore create our public image.

Introduction Committee

Members of this committee organise the introduction camp in September for all first-year students and have the opportunity to be the first to show new students what MESA is all about! Besides this, they also host events for first year students to introduce them to MESA and each other.

Travel Committee

This committee is in charge of organising a big trip abroad for MESA members during the spring time and organising one-day trips related to Media Studies and non-study-related trips!

MESAzine Committee

This committee creates MESA's very own magazine: the MESAzine. They focus on both the journalistic and design aspects in the process of making the magazine for Media students.

Contact Us

MESA Media Studies Study Association 2024